Monday, February 6, 2012

Finally, A Blanket! Well, Not Quite

I learned to crochet when I was in third grade. My teacher's name was Mrs. Barksdale and she would paddle your ass in a minute! Everyone knew to behave or else. To this day, I don't know what made her want to teach the girls to crochet. Perhaps she thought we were too fast and wanted to slow us down. We thought she didn't want to do anything but whip us and send us home.  

While I loathed being in her class even after the sewing lessons began, I can never forget the woman that taught me a skill that I would depend on to relieve my stress as an adult.

I have tried several times to create something, anything with my crochet needle. My problem was that I would make the stitching too tight. The yarn would curl up and my blanket soon contorted into a soft stress ball. It wasn't until about a month ago that I finally got the hang of loosening up my stitches! I give full credit to a dear friend of mines who always tried to show me the proper way to crochet. Now that my blanket is finally coming together, I can't help but show off my skillz (yes, I know I spelled skills wrong. I did that to show that I'm not too old to use a little slang!)

So, here's to you Mrs. Barksdale, for teaching me to crochet and investing time in me that you could have spent whipping some other kids ass. I am forever grateful! And Thank you Mrs. Ninean Tate for the countless times you spent with me in the bathroom at work, teaching me the proper technique when we both should have been at our desks working! I love you both :)

Mrs. Tonya "Finally Making a Blanket" Wells

Chrysler's Halftime Ad

I know that since I live in Detroit this is going to sound really bad, but this commercial sucks! Its way too long and Chrysler went too deep with this one.I don't care for it at all. How about you?

    1 Star For Chrysler

Another Wonderful Dinner

Most people who know me personally know that I am very spoiled! I don't cook and I rarely ever clean. I managed to get away with this by having 4 kids who are thoroughly trained in housekeeping and by marrying a chef! This leaves time for me to take care of the important things like blogging and posting videos of my favorite and not so favorite commercials.

I am not totally useless though. I manage to run a few businesses and keep the 4 year olds hair combed throughout the week. I also have an appetite for delicious food (which happens to be what this segment is dedicated to.)

Last week my wonderful husband treated the family to "Mediterranean night" for dinner. We indulged in a scrumptious eastern meal that included hummus, rice, lamb, pita bread, cucumber sauce and peppers. While I could not finish my plate, I really enjoyed the flavors and the whole texture of the meal. It was absolutely heavenly! I never know what he's going to cook and this was a sweet surprise. Just wanted to share! Check out the pics. Don't drool on the keyboard.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Thoughts On Depression

When I feel like life sucks, I always try to have a good, long conversation with someone who is a lot worse off than I am. This usually brings me back to reality and gives me that slap in the face that I need to keep going. This also gives me a chance to do something good for someone else besides my gadget loving, money eating kids.

 While I speak of this lightheartedly, I know that depression and extreme mood swings can have an effect on people that is equivalent to being hit by a bus.  

Incapacitating depression is very real. 

I often have this conversation with my husband, who doesn’t believe that anyone has anything to be depressed about. His philosophy is as simple as PB&J. If God woke you up, you have no reason to be unhappy.  My rebuttal, Try telling that to the millions of people who are on the brink of suicide and depend heavily on medication and therapy just to get up and shower every day.

My mood swings and depression are nowhere near as bad, but I understand what it’s like to feel as though you’re the only person in the world. I understand what its like to want to get out of bed and be normal, but that “something” just keeps you lying there, wallowing around in your negativity while the rest of the world smiles and eats Quesadillas (Yes. I’m a foodie)

What the hell am I rambling about now? Depression and how we need to talk more about it. I’m talking about how we have people in our community that we may deem lazy and shiftless who could be suffering in silence and shame. While I can’t singularly do anything about it, I want to raise the issue so that we are more aware and sensitive to other human beings besides the Kardashian's and The Braxton's.

Do you know anyone who suffers from depression? Show them some love, not because you could be in their shoes, but because we are all human.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sylvan Learning Center

Ok. I can so relate to her! This mom is at her wits end with all the homework that her kid has and the math is just the last straw! The way she busts out the door and runs to the Sylvan Learning Center is exactly what I want to do when my son asks for help with his homework! Go mom go!

4 Stars for Sylvan learning Center

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jackson Hewitt Tax Refund

If you haven't seen this one, you want to check it out. Jackson Hewitt does a fantastic job of capturing the joy one feels when they get an Instant Tax loan! Seriously, this man deserves an award. I wonder how he felt after he actually watched the commercial!!!

4 Stars for Jackson Hewitt

Thursday, January 19, 2012

This clip is interesting, though I have not actually watched this episode. I can't understand how going out and buying a coffee pot is easier than just cleaning the one you already have. 
This place is trashed! 
Who eats Mc Donalds and just throws the bag and the wrapper on the floor?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

OK, so what you don't know about me is that I'm a HUGE fan of the show Hoarders! This episode is one of the worst that I've seen. Its a clip showing an extreme roach infestation in the home.If you have a weak stomach, don't watch. Its super gross! Everyone else, (especially Hoarders fans) enjoy!

Watch Hoarding on Sundays @ 9pm! | For more, visit